How do you think of this ?


  1. thats why you shouldn't give up

  2. it reminds me of life....

  3. Haha, I guess that's where the expression "So close, yet so far away" comes from. XD

  4. don't give up of your purpose because may just one step to need until arrive.

  5. As a geologist, he may have spotted signs that he's close to diamond, but as far as we know, there are no signs. . I don't think it's good to have the mindset of "maybe the next couple of meters I dig will strike diamond.." Otherwise, he would be there forever if there were no diamonds.

    Like in gambling. "next game, I'll win all my money back"

  6. We do not know how to end to end. However, it should not discourage it. Are likely to find someone who's always been.


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